I LOVE WHOLE FOODS! When I first walked into this store it was OVERWHELMING. I come from a culinary background so it is amazing to see so many foods from around the world. One of the employees gave me a tour, and a plastic container and let me sample ANYTHING I wanted to try. I was in there eating olives, different salads, granolas, and other yummy treats. You don't have to be rich to shop here. I do my regular grocery shopping at Walmart, then buy my foods for breakfast, and lunch here at Whole Foods. That includes bran muffins, various premade salads, a few sweet treats, and granolas. These healthy selections last me atleast 5 working days.
Weekly I spend $25-$30 for a single female. I asked a male friend what he spends and he said $50-$60 because he buys meats. You can't put a price on health, so even if you don't grocery shop here it doesn't hurt to mix in a few vitamins and minerals with fresh fruits and veggies on regular basis. If you can't afford to eat them--stop by and drink them at their juice bar.