| - I've been meaning to get another hour-long foot massage, and it so happened I had business to attend to nearby, so I got to the parking lot, and walked right next door, to the beauty supply place on Decatur- then went to get my massage. Lo and behold, the woman working there met me at the door, VERY upset I had parked in front of the business, and walked next next door! I blinked at her, surprised, and said I -WAS- going to get my feet massaged! She was very surprised I was actually her client, and calmed down.
The space isn't very ornate, it looks fairly new to be exact.The massage chairs that have the built-in headrest with the hole for your face when you flip over are very state of the art, and comfy. Too bad it didn't help anything else.
I am here to say that the woman -did- do a good job on my massage. She had good pressure, actually was a bit too energetic at points during it. She seemed to have good knowlege of the reflexology points on my feet, and worked them well. She DID (I am not joking about this) JUMP ON MY BACK and dug her knees into me, making me nearly tear up! I was really not prepared to have that happen today, and it made me feel uncomfortable. Thankfully, it lasted very short, as I think she could get the feeling I was in pain.
The really big issue I have with this place, was the -attitude- I got from her, when it came time to pay the bill. I handed her my Visa card, and told her to put an additional $5 on it, for her tip, along with the $38 for the massage. Her jaw dropped, she gasped at me, and she said "You no pay in cash!!??" I looked at her fancy "We Accept VISA, MasterCard and AMEX" plastic sign and I said "No. I have a Visa. You take it, right? Your sign says you do.." She made a very annoyed noise with her tongue, and told me how Visa charges "so many fees". You know what? I don't give a crap if it does, you have a sign saying you accept it. If you as a business don't wish to accept credit cards, TELL THE PUBLIC UP-FRONT! She did accept my Visa, and all was well. Well, except for the part I sat and stewed over the situation, and decided to make my review on Yelp.
Bottom line: Decent massage. Bring Cash. Don't park in front of the shop and NOT go inside, or you'll regret it!