The other party's insurance sent me to this place for an estimate. The adjuster assessed the damage promptly. He went through his estimate with me reading the numbers from his print out. He told me that the shop could start working on my car in 11 days. I felt pressured to sign a contract agreeing that his business would do the repairs. I disliked this. The body language and facial expressions of the adjuster and the receptionist changed to aggressive the moment I told them that I would like to have a second opinion.
Based on the dealer's recommendations, I went to a different business. Its adjuster looked at the Gerber's estimate and asked me if I was told that the replacement part would have been a used one. My car is less than 2 years old. For many reasons, I chose to buy a brand new car and pay a premium for it. Used parts were a deal breaker, especially when I had no responsibility for the damage.
I was enraged that Gerber's assessors did't mention this VERY important detail in his estimate or his discussion with me. In addition, there were several other issues that weren't addressed in Gerber's estimate.
The brand new part and the additional work amounted to less then $800 more. However, I had to wait 2 extra weeks for the other driver's insurance to approve this "supplement".
Based on the facts stated above, I don't consider Gerber a professional and trustworthy business.