This is my favorite location. Not only bc it's close to our house, but bc it's NEVER packed and so you get your food quickly. The employees are always nice and friendly, just like at any other In N Out, but it's just so much better than say, the one off Dean Martin that's always packed with all the riff raff from the Strip!
Are these the best burgers in the world? Well, not really, but where else can you get two burgers and an order of fries for less than $8?
Way cheaper than McD's and your food is cooked fresh to order and you get it hot! Unlike McD's where the cheese isn't even melted 99% of the time.
I used to not be an In N Out fan, but compared to other fast food places, really how can you complain about it? You can't compare them to other $6-8 per burger joints. I mean Smashburger is right across the street, and it's good, but it's more than double the price.