This show is not it is what is built up to be. First of all I don't go by what other people say, since most of the lay audience are musically challenged.
I give credit when owed and criticize when it is due.
The production could have been hundred times better. The problem with this show lies in the selection of the songs and production.
American Broadway is unique and contributed some of the greatest tunes in the music world. Having said that not all Broadway tunes are Las Vegas Show material, since they need to be uppity songs.
There might be three or four numbers that makes you sit up and take notice and they are dance numbers.
The two female leads and the male lead singers are for the most part boring and act as fillers with tunes which are more malady than melody. And the female singers are too loud and more screaming (akin to the talent segment in Beauty Pageants) than a natural singing voice. With a thirty-something piece full orchestra and an incredible sound system, the decibles make you cringe and it gets worse every time they reappear.
They are good but they don't deserve a standing ovation. The standing ovation should be for the dancers who almost recreate the now gone "Follies Bergere" show at the Bally's with their costume and chorography like "One Singular Sensation" and "All That Jazz" numbers. I wish Wynn had brought the 'Follies Bergere' from Ballys instead of trying to duplicate the glitter it would have been lot cheaper too.
I have seen "Les Miserables" and "Evita" at the Cashman theater. I wish some one can bring "Les Miserables" to the Strip and get rid of the Cirque Du Soleil, shows (except the "Love Show") which have brought doom and gloom to the Strip not to mention mediocrity.