| - Worst service I've ever received from a Starbucks. Actually, any coffee shop. The baristas next to gate B16 were both openly rude and passive aggressive. When i walked up to the ordering lane, two personnel, partially facing me but talking shop, blatantly ignored me until i asked to get by to the counter. As I was handing the barista correct change, she cut me off and said, "too late, I already rang it up". I thought giving correct change made things easier, but apparently the complexity of subtracting 15 cents from $3.15 overwhelmed in this particular case. When I took the lid off my tea to add sugar and remove the teabag, I saw that the bag was floating unattached to its string and the cup was filled to the rim. Instead of making a mess and sloshing over the lip of the overfilled cup, I poured a half inch of it into the trash, which was full of napkins, so I could cleanly remove the bag. The baristas began to talk loudly to one another about how rude it is to pour liquid in the trash and how there was plenty of room for milk.