I love this club! I love this club so much I would make love in this club...in this club...in this club...in this club.
I can't believe I stayed and partied here until 4am. My legs and hips were weak and wobbly from all the dancing, but I didn't care because I was having such a fun time! It was very smart of them to construct an outdoor opening right at the dancefloor. It not only gives you fresh air to breathe while you're shaking your booty or grinding up on a hot ass chick, but it also gives you an awe inspiring view of their waterfall! What club has a view of a waterfall?! Pure genius!
Drinks are pricey, but who really gives a damn! You're in Vegas! Leave your penny pinching at home! $8 for a glass bottle of Evian water? $13 for a shot of vodka? Sign me up! Heh.
Whoever was DJ-ing that night was incredible! The music flowed together so well that it made you not want to leave the dancefloor. There wasn't as much eye candy as I had hoped for (probably because it was a Thursday night), but everyone there seemed to be having the time of their lives!
Mr. Steve Wynn, your hotel is overrated, but your club is spectacular!