I got the opportunity to return to the Mint Museum Uptown last night to see the great new exhibit Attitude and Alchemy: The Metalwork of Gary Noffke - you definitely should check it out!! We also enjoyed the Music and Movie event for April which was Jazz in the Atrium and the movie 'Key Largo' with Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall - what a great idea to watch films at the Mint! Check it out - Let's Get Reel on 2nd Tuesdays of each month! Next month's movie is "O Brother Where Art Thou?'
Parking is a breeze across the street, admission is very reasonable and FREE on Tuesday nights from 6 to 9pm, the movie admission was $5 per person (Free for members, nonmembers bring cash - cards not accepted)...Take the family, take a date or take yourself and check out this wonderful museum!