In theory, this is a good concept. The cost is steep but I justified it after the sales pitch about meeting "quality" people. Initially the team was very involved and that promptly ended shortly thereafter. I was entitled to, and received, 4 dates in a 6 month period. I would call ONE of those worthy of the word "quality". One guy explained to me that he was recruited and didn't pay nearly what I did...ouch, thank you for pointing that out. I also found it difficult to communicate with my Dating Director. A few months in, my original Dating Director left and I was given someone new. When she called and we chatted so she could get to know me, the notes were pretty sparse and I felt like we were starting from square one. I thought we were on track but, no. She was very sweet but she rarely answered voice or emails which I found super frustrating. Interestingly enough, after my contract ended I never heard a word from them. Disappointing.