I was surprised when I learned that Salad Creations has been in business for a decade. There seem to be a lot of kinks to be worked out of their salad-centric concept. Why a chain focused on healthy eating doesn't have nutritional information at all in-store (they seem to have recently added this information online, or at least made it much more visible) is beyond me.
The food itself has been extraordinary. I find the four separate refrigerators for different leafy vegetables a little over the top, but I can't complain about the results. The only mistake I've made is not ordering enough food; you have to remember to add a lot to a salad when it's going to be a full meal. The service has always been pleasant and I've never had trouble finding seating (good for me, bad for them).
I think the country is slowly changing to eating healthier food, but we're not at the stage of asking our children, "Who wants to go out for salad?" When that day comes, this place will be ready. Until then, I'm quite happy remembering this place when I'm starved for micronutrients and need to get out of the house.
P.S. I have eaten at this location twice.