I completely concur with previous reviews about Mike (the owner) and his errors with recollection of events. His recollections or lack there are are oddly convenient and self-serving.
McVay plumbing was recommended to me by our realtor. She specifically indicated to ask for Mike (the owner) to come out and do the work which we did. He came out to our potential new home to conduct a sewer scope test. He was unable to complete the sewer scope test and because the sewer line needed to be cleaned he could only get about 68 ft. in to the main sewer line. He recommended that we have it cleaned and rescoped. I then asked him if he came out to finish the sewer scope test if he would charge us again or do it for free. In front of my husband and the home inspector he indicated that he would come back and not charge us since he was not able to complete the test. Before he left I confirmed this with him again and he agreed. Recently we found out that the sellers of the home had the sewer line cleaned with a plumber of their choice. We called Mike McVay to come back out to schedule the sewer scope test so that he could complete what he started.
Today, when my husband called to schedule him to come and complete the test he first argued with him regarding the specific house in question. Apparently, he had a hard time remembering the house my husband was referring to. After arguing with him about the house he then he informed my husband that he was going to charge us an additional $175 (he originally charged us $200 for the initial scope test) to come back out and finish out the sewer scope test. My husband addressed that he told us that he would come back and finish the test and not charge us again. He argued with him again and ultimately said that he would charge us the additional $175. I called him to address this and when I did he refused to acknowledge it and argued with me saying that he "would never say that he would come back out and do it for free." After reminding him of his words which he stated in front of more than just myself he refused to take ownership and honor his statement. I promptly cancelled the appointment with him. I am so disappointed that he had the audacity to lie to me and my husband. I would never had expected him to come out and do the job for free if he had not indicated that he would do so in the first place
Next time we will definitely be going with a different plumber, hopefully one that is honest and can recall his business more accurately. Any recommendations of such a plumber are welcome!
Biggest lesson learned, get these things in writing!
UPDATE! Mike called back last night and said that he would honor his word and come back to re-scope the sewer line and not charge us! I was really happy to receive this call and news, both of which were completely unexpected. I welcome him to come tomorrow to so that I can update all of you with positive news regarding his professionalism and commitment to his customers.