| - Had a business lunch at Thomsons. The Steak and Blue Salad. And yes, while it wasnt bad - it also wasnt that great either yet the pricing and reputation it has, suggested otherwise.
Locals claim this is 'Excellent'.
Cold steak, rather tough. Second class blue cheese and rather limp, tired greens - it should not be too hard to make a great steak salad in a city 'apparently' known for its great steakhouses in a place with large photos of steers and cowboys on the walls...
Then again, after a few visits to Calgary, I am finding that symptomatic of most if not all of the citys restaurants. They are not that good when compared to anything outside of Calgary.
Even so called 'higher end' places with meals made from their preferred staple - red meat - at the varied likes of Luxe Burger, Vintages, Saltlik and Thomsons - all considered 'great' by the Calgary locals but honestly, just not that good at all. In fact, if they were located in an LA, Toronto, Dallas or quite frankly any other large city but for a booming oil town that is just teaming with new money - they would be found struggling.
So for the locals to Calgary - go - you will love it at Thomsons. For those who hail from a good or even decent food city........