The Last Great Hamburger Stand -- reads the facade of Fatburger. John Lee Hooker playing on the jukebox, cooks yelling order numbers at unsound decibels . . . Yeah--I'll bite.
I went with the Fat Deal (yes--that's what it's called) with onion rings. I was here for lunch and thought my order came out really quick. I was a little worried. My Fat Burger didn't look too fat, but it's all an illusion; it's actually quite a beast. I wasn't sure if I would be able to walk back to my conference when I was done.
Fatburger is a cheap eat, nicely situated on this South part of the strip. I'm glad to have found it. The interior feels vintage and jukebox is pretty rockin'. I think the place is pretty top notch in terms of fast food. My burger was tasty and as I already mentioned--filling!