The mad house that started it all!! I was researching Last Chance in 2007 when I came upon a lil website called awww... *tear!*
I have gone to Last Chance several times and I love it more and more each time I go... Cuz you see... I'm the type of person who loves to fight for things at a store... I'm the one who will shove you "accidentily" while reaching for that last clearence sweater on Black Friday in the middle of a jam packed wal-mart at 5am while still full of turkey and gravy. But sometimes I miss the excitment of hunting and gathering goods for a low low price... and Last Chance fulfills my hunting needs.
Cuz you see, i know how to shoot and gun and all - but hunting game just doesn't do it for me. There's nothing like diving for the last pair of shoes and seeing a member of the e-bay mafia dive for it too... but then I block by saying, something like "OH! that Coach bag is only eighty DOLLARS?!?!" and then I snatch the shoes of my dreams as the mafia member falls for my diversion... muhahaaahaahahaha!!
And I also like trying on clothes over my regular clothes because if it can fit over my other blouse then it'll surely fit... seems like good logic to me... and I also like hissing at my fellow huntresses when they attempt to reach for something that's mine!! and nothing compares to the small small price I have to pay for some great clothes that I rarely wear... becuase well... it's what they always say... the hunt is better than the catch.
Oh well... I still love Last Chance it's my Black Friday any day of the week. But be advised my fellow yelpers, BE PREPARED! I suggest wearing some should pads and steel toe shoes while shopping at this place!! trust me, you'll thank me later!