My family is very busy . So around 1:00am after my daughter gets off work we arrive at the Walmart around 2:30am we were ready to check out after grocery shopping., checking out the clearances, Which lately Its not much of a clearance,and looking at other things I needed. Not a single lane was open. Apparently all lanes close at 10 pm , so you have to use the self check out, and if you have wic you Will need assistance this seems to be a chore for them to do "sorry but this is the time when I can shop and I don't have to worry about Going round and round and round to find a parking spot. Nor do I have three little kids with me." I looked around and seeing a bunch of people stocking, then heard one of the employees on their walkie-talkie say we have another check out somebody needs to come up here I'm sorry you must do your job. If Walmart didn't want to be 24 Hour store they shouldn't be open. Other than that I made a purchase through I purchased a Red 6 V battery charger and needed a Black 6 V battery charger. I tried to return the day after I received it at the Walmart store. I found out that the item had been purchased from a third party and therefore could not be returned to Walmart which was not responsible for anything. Contact the sellers and they accept the return but I have to pay the shipping and a 15% restocking fee I only paid $21.99 for it so now I'm thinking maybe I should just try to sell it on the online garage sale sites Instead of going through the hassle of returning it.