So the bf had a coupon for this place. I noticed that they had SQUARE PIZZA! ( remembering high school when we used to order little Caesars and I would fight for those crispy corners) So we ordered a square pizza with half pepperoni and half mushrooms... (Canned) boo... Opened the box( look of disappointment) smaller than expected.. but we still fought over the corners... The pizza was decent. The sauce was a little too sweet for my taste. So we ordered an "Italian" sub they also come with fries. The sub was supposed to have ham,salami,and mortadella..all we could taste was ham..the sandwich was decent and the Italian dressing was weird. It would be a GREAT choice for a lunch special. Also, the fries were GOOD! Hot and potatoey! (I know not a word) not sure how else to describe it. Then we had dessert.. banana pudding YUM!