The procedure is fast. The results are instant but light sensitivity is really increased. Please research lasik complications before doing this. Although lasik has a super high success rate there are some problem. I have glare, starbursts, poor vision in low light and the acuity level of my eyesight has decreased. I'm told it can take up to a year to get perfect vision so after four months I still hope for the best but as of now I am not a fan of this. My eyes are super dry too which makes vision fluctuate. The Siems counselor had me sign papers quickly and made me feel nothing could go wrong or the side affects were not forever. I think the Siems team believes in their product but it doesn't always work. My vision was more accurate with contact lenses. Do your research and if you still want this procedure he is a seasoned doc. I just think each case is taking a chance. Most people have no prob but what if you do?