The 2 stars is for all of the silly banter in between the show and too much singling people out during the show. I feel it distracts and takes away from all of the amazing performances that happened moments before. I wanted to stay in that "wow that was a fantastic performance feeling" and then move on to another fantastic scene. Not follow up with ridiculous not funny at all humor. It was cute for 5 seconds, then boring with a capital B. The ringmaster talks too much. I wanted to see more performances and less chatter about nothing. I nearly fell asleep. There were upsides. Here they are. The actual performances, when they finally happen are fantastic. I loved the diversity of the players. All colors, sexes, shapes and sizes. Edgy show. Very sexy. Great band and singers. Although I must say, one of the singers was very pitchy. Lovely theater with lots of refreshments. All seats seemed to be good. Bottom line for me: it's a good show but could be so much better and classier if they dropped the tired skits in between and added more performances in their place. I payed good money to see a show and felt like the skits were fillers to eat up time. This show needs more real performance content. Some tweaking. Thank you.