The car we had had a flat tire from when we left the area. Someone did a quick fill up, and not even a few miles down, the tire was flat. I filled it up later on, the next morning it was flat again. It was frustrating driving around with a flat tire especially in a place that I didn't know where I was going. It was frustrating having to worry about the tire going flat. Alamo did help out and gave back $40 for the difficulties. Regardless I feel the tires should've been checked beforehand to make sure it was good to go. I believe they just do a quick check when returned and no one felt like mentioning the flat tire. Although they did compensate for some of the trouble, I had a better experience in the Portland Alamo. Portland gave us a free upgrade to our car and Vegas didn't offer anything. Instead there was only a limited amount of cars to choose from and I believe it was much more expensive in Vegas as well. I still choose Alamo over the other car rental companies but again I enjoyed the Portland car rental experience over the Vegas one.