Initially I was extremely happy with my purchase! About a month after having it stopped working. Yes there is a 90day warranty, but why would it stop working so soon. I took it in with intentions to have it repaired. As a concerned customer I started asking questions like does this happen often, did my son do something wrong and so on. He (the owner) Dan basically told me no this generally doesn't happen and he doesn't know why it happened.
So they inform me it would be 24-48 hours for the repair. 3days passed and no word from them. I called and Nick answered the phone and had no clue initially which board. Once I described my board to him, he could tell when it would be ready. I also talked to Dan the same day and expressed my unhappiness with this situation. He couldn't explain to me anymore than Nick, so I became frustrated and no longer wanted to deal with situation. At this point I want my money back. $650 and I have issues within 30 days, who's to say it won't break again .
Dan stood firm on his decision not to give me a brand new one or give me my money back. Mind you when I bought it I wanted a brand new one, not one off the shelf. Nick ensured me that it was brand new and it would be ok.... Obviously it wasn't!
I picked up my Board to find this lovely note... Customer was rude and hung up on Nick and Dan... where is the note that Dan was rude, oh wait it's his business he can run it how he wants right. I said to Dee, I made a scene, they have no clue what a scene is... She says oh I'm black I know what a scene is...... Well ok