Loved it!!! I came w/ my sister & we had the beef taco, tofu & egg taco, the nate dog, & fries. I love Korean food & love tacos so I really enjoyed eating the dishes. I'm also a texture eater & I thought the texture & taste was perfect w/ each dish I ate. Everything tasted so good! The fries were really addicting. Not your typical french fry. After I ate the nate dog, I had to order another one because it was so good. For dessert the crazy fried dough was sooo good! Very good service, clean & fast. The prices were right. It's on the same parking lot as Lee's Liquour so I'm definitely coming again! The location is kind of far from where I live, but I was on that side out town so I decided to try it. Luckily I have friends & relatives in that side of town so when I come visit them, I can stop by the truck & get my grub on. I'm actually craving Hanshiktaco as I'm typing this.