| - This is the best bakery on Roncesvalles, but it's got the worst customer service of pretty much any space I've ever been.
I walk by here every single morning. I used to go in every day and get something (usually the frittata muffin and a bag or two of day-olds--always spending between $11 and $18), but over time, the service was so dreadful, that now I have to stand out front and question whether I want to bother. Seven out of ten times, when I do go in, I leave empty-handed and frustrated, just like I did today. The service is truly that dreadful.
Today, there was a woman being served (a guy was making her coffee) and another woman who entered ahead of me was having a conversation with a staff member that I only caught the tail-end of (about maybe a cake being baked and what she wanted it to look like and what time to pick it up). My first thought was, "Great! Two staff members. This should go smoothly."
The cake conversation finished and I stepped forward to be served. Without acknowledging my presence, that staff member turned and walked into the back room. Then, the coffee maker handed the coffee to his customer and promptly left the service area and went downstairs, again, neither acknowledging my presence or bothering to thank the coffee buyer.
Us two customers looked at one another and exchanged a "wtf?", and I silently walked out like I've done so many times before. However, today was the last time. I won't be going back in.
As someone who worked customer service for 35 years before retiring, I am stunned that this place is so oblivious to how awful they treat their customers. Had I been properly served from the git-go, at minimum they'd be making almost $3500 a year from me alone. (6 days a week x $11-18). That's a nice chunk towards a month's rent. From one customer!
Please note: I am not a rude or even vocal person. I've never complained about their service inside the space. I always say please and thank you and ask staff how they're doing (when I actually make it to the order stage)--a product of having worked in customer service for more than 3 decades. Just noting this in case you think I'm some hated person who makes a stink in there every time I'm in, thereby justifying their behavior. That's not the case.
Anyway, tl;dr? Avoid this place. Mabel's down the street isn't nearly as good but it's perfectly decent for a morning snack when you're in a hurry. And the staff there know how to treat a customer.