My Son's house flooded from a broken sink supply hose, causing 45,000 in damage. He purchased his from Spencer's. It's now 13 months since this happened. The fridge had to be repaired twice for a defective ice maker, now the fridge isn't cooling or freezing. He called Spencer's, they told him it was out of warranty and that there wasn't anything they could do. The fridge was around 1500. As his dad I don't like NO, I called Whirlpool, told them of the past problems and without hesitation said they would repair it because of the prior problems.
If Spencer's cared about their customers they would have made that call, but elected to take the path of least resistance. My wife and I are in the market for a new dishwasher and fridge, guess where we are not going, Spencer's, they lost two customers and more if I can help it.