I'm from Detroit and love a good Coney dog but this Jerk ruined it with his shrewd attitude. I now live in Las Vegas and was in the area. I ask if there are any military discounts and he replied so quick and nonchalantly one could surely take offense. Then I ask if there are 'industry' discounts, he asks what industry and I tell him (Chris or Drew- the black guy with hazel eyes) that I'm a bartender. He says no again so I try to joke it up with him to cool things out and he blatantly brushes it off in a hurried manner as if I'm bothering him. To top it all off, my pop was a little more than half full that he fixed for me and he did not provide me with a fork which I do believe is standard. It makes me want to just keep going to Hot Doggery on the strip and their not as good but the customer service is GREAT!!!
This guy is acting like I was trying to pick up on him; honey after 8 years serving my country I think I've come across some with better jobs than your arrogant for no reason behind!!!!!