| - Libraries are a full-time student's best friend!! During the school semesters, I find myself wanting to study and do homework in the Lied Library! I just get so distracted at home, that I find myself thankful for such a beautiful library! You can't go wrong! You can find everything you are looking for in here!
WHO: The library is open to anyone and everyone!! If you are not a student and or do not have a parking permit, I suggest you come after 5pm. You are allowed to park in the library lot for free right after 5pm. If you do park in the either garage though, you may get a $20 parking citation!! You can park anywhere else after 7pm!!
WHEN: The library times are always changing, so check on the online website before going if you are curious!! When you do get there though, the closing times are usually right by the entrances. KEEP A LOOKOUT!
WHAT: There are 5 floors to this library! AMAZING!
-1st floor: On the first floor there are computers you may use (if you have your rebel card and password), scanners, desks, tables, and private areas for silent studying! If you also need to check a book out for a class, a laptop because there are no computers left, movies/documentaries, and even anatomy & physiology models (which is extremely helpful while studying for lab). There is of course a time limit for whatever you check-out, so remember to return it or re-check it out if need be!
-2nd floor: On this floor, there are journals and magazines if you head toward the back. There are also plenty of tables where you may study in groups! &, many more computers if the first floor computers are all taken! If you need a more quiet environment, I suggest you move up onto the next floor! This floor usually gets pretty loud (as I have tried to study on this floor, but it isn't labeled a "silent floor", so up you must go!)
-3rd floor: I believe this floor is one of the silent levels, there are also private rooms for group studying. There aren't a lot, so during finals and midterms week, they are usually packed.
-4th floor: Also a silent level! Good for studying!
-5th floor: This is where you can find reference books if you are writing a research paper, or need to research just for fun! If you need to check a book out, you can either go to the circulation desk downstairs, or there are actually checkout stations on every floor, I believe!!
*NOTE: One of the best things this library has to offer is the coffee shop downstairs! It closes earlier than the library does so make sure to grab some coffee before you study, bec you'll probably need it!
*SIDENOTE: This is probably the only library in the city where you can bring food and eat!! I LOVE IT!! Oh yeah, please throw your garbage away please!!