| - They are NOT closed as in permanently... they are undergoing renovations. There is a handwritten sign on their window with and email address, "", if you want their updates. I passed by each week and from week to week, new drywall, new floors, paint... slowly but surely they are renovating. Hopefully they will open soon as they've been closed for almost three months now.
Foodwise, they are in par with what one would expect from a Chinese restaurant. There are a few dishes they seem to do very well, in some places, and very typical in others. The funny thing is their printed menu isn't their actual menu. It's just a standard Chinese/English menu for non Chinese speaking people and in NO way reflects their actual quality or skill.
Being Chinese, I am able to order without consulting any menu. I simply tell them what I want and the style I'd like it done and it comes out perfectly every time. What I am most impressed with is their speed. For kitchen orders, we have to go to the back of the restaurant by the kitchen if we're paying with a credit card or debit. The time it took to place the four dish order, pay for it, then walk to the front of the restaurant to sit and wait. I didn't even get a chance to sit down and I was called back because my order was ready. That was impressive.
In another person's review, they claimed they ordered a dish by the pictures? NO Chinese person does that. They gave the order by name of the dish and from that they weren't amused by what came out. But unless they ordered it correctly and in the style they wanted, all they would get is the basic English version. So it was their fault they didn't get it the way they wanted without specifying.
You can order off the menu and specify to make it spicier, or more sauce, or dry fried... or other variations.