| - I am a HUGE lover of Zipps.. my bf & I, as well as my softball team, frequent the miller & camelback (old town Scottsdale) location at least once a week (normally like 2 times/week) & I have zero complaints.. this one on the other hand, oh my gosh. Where do I start:
We came this weekend, yes during the Tempe Arts Fest, but I was surprised at how not crowded it was, I have seen this place packed before for big games,.. but not this day, easy to get a table. So we find a table no problem, but it hasn't been cleaned yet, dirty plates and napkins on it, no big deal, but 10-15 minutes go by and no one has come by. Finally we stop a waitress and she apologizes and takes our order. We asked for two waters and a pitcher of Ranger. A few minutes later a lady comes with one 32 oz beer, nope we ordered a pitcher. Okay no big deal again.. and then the pitcher comes. Then we see her 10 minutes later and I ask for waters again, still nothing. Finally I was so thirsty I went up to the bar to order a water. Then we decided the slowness is crazy so we get the bill since we had to catch the light rail to Chase Field. We get the check & she didn't charge us the correct price for the pitcher, $15 instead of $10 (HH).. oh and that's all we got so its not like it was too challenging. So my bf goes and tells her the price is incorrect. Then I get the check back, and she ran my card for $25.. I'm guessing the $10 + $15? I was like oh my goshhhh how can this lady be SO bad at her job???? Like at least can someone tell us she's new or something?Then I would be way more understanding. But it was unreal, one error after another after another.