| - This truck understands that mac & cheese perfection is really a toppings game. They have a solid plain mac, and then a variety of interesting flavors. At last night's food truck roundup at The Brew Gentlemen, most trucks had epicly long lines, not ideal for the February chill. Mac & Gold had a long line, but one that moved quite efficiently as they took orders, gave people a number, and filled each order in a separate process, rather than waiting until completing one to take another order. Thanks to this efficient process, my husband was able to bring me mac while I was still in the PGH Taco Truck line, where I then waited for another half hour.
On to the mac...I loved the BBQ mac, topped with crispy onions. Husband thought the sauce was a little sweet, but he dug the veggie chili mac, which was a little bean-y for this classic chili gal. The portions are HUGE, the process is efficient, and the prices are "food truck" reasonable (aka, a little pricy!)
I still think they missed an opportunity to call themselves "The Mac(k) Truck," but the mac is good enough that I forgive them. If you're at a roundup with long lines, note that theirs will move quite quickly!