I wrote on Facebook but I constantly get off of there I have no family! I'm legally blind from retinitis pigmatosa and I was walking a car hit me! I couldn't afford lyft that night and I had just moved up in the area that had no sidewalks!
Thank you, sorry I forgot The attorneys name I was out of it at UMC (FBI he worked for them like my cousin does! ( awesome attorney) ! The attorney and Rafael actually cared! But I will say a cop should not interview girl that just got hit and had 6 pelvic fractures! ( just saying) And he just glanced at my letter I had from the University of Pennsylvania! Maybe he should of took picture of it etc!
This wasn't about money for me it was about caring and how do you handle legally blind people walking! I work part time I would it rather be full time it is what is!
Moved here three years ago nothing like this happened! I have been alone since 09 when mom died and no ever helped me at all!! To me money means nothing I lost my mom in 09 of pancreatic cancer and my pug last year! What's money I never had it and I survived ! I Highly recommend this law firm!