| - I've been practicing yoga for about five years now and have been to an array of studios around the valley. This one opened by my house so I was very excited to try. I wish I could have the hour and a half back. First off, I walked in ten minutes early with my waiver already filled out. Getting the attention of the front desk employee was impossible as she was chatting with other customers that were her friends, which is fine but I clearly needed her assistance. Then I walked into the class and there was not one SQUARE INCH of space. This is a fire hazard and I couldn't relax the whole time because I get overwhelmed when crowded like that. The entire class the girl next me was breathing directly in my ear and the man next too me was sweating all over me- GROSS! Put a cap on the class size. Then, everyone else in the class was clearly a regular, which is great, but this is no excuse to be chatting about your recent divorce for the entire yoga class audibly for people all around to hear. I know the teacher meant well, but I don't appreciate being called out EVERY pose, especially if you don't know me and I'm clearly uncomfortable- I had to ask for him to let me do my thing. I understand that they are trying to take a modern spin on the practice, but try less. I do yoga to be able to take my mind off things, but while hearing about Susie's divorce and the fact that if there were a fire I would be dead because of the people capacity, I couldn't appreciate the experience. Would rather drive farther away from my house to a practice where I feel respected, safe, and zen.