| - Many reviews initially scared me, but my experience at America's Best could not have been any better. I am a pretty "tough customer" when it comes to healthcare, and the staff and product quality from this store was totally top notch.
Since this was my first eye exam ever (except a general vision test at my GP's office), I was pretty intimidated by what might happen, but there was no reason to be frightened at all. During my first appointment, I went through a series of very comfortable - and some actually fun - eye tests, and then saw the eye Doctor, who walked me through many types of magnifications to figure out what my prescription would be. I was amazed at how well I could see with some of the magnifications, and essentially realized how long I had been in denial of my failing vision (I'm almost 40).
We found out that I needed different prescriptions for both distance and reading, as well as different prescriptions for each eye. Following my $10 eye exam, the totally awesome Melanie gave me my prescription but said she hoped I would come back to their store for my eyeglasses.
Sure enough, Melanie was there to help me when I returned about a month later to order my glasses. I went and independently picked out frames that I liked (employees were there to help, but did not at all hover over me, which I love). I showed Melanie the frames I liked for my "driving" (distance) pair as well as my reading pair, paid the $69.00, and she said the glasses would be there in about two weeks. I think the whole process took about 15 minutes.
I received a call from America's Best once the glasses were in, and went and got them. There, again, was Melanie in all of her awesomeness. I really liked the whole team there, and never felt any pressure from anyone to purchase anything above and beyond what I needed. They had me try both pairs on, spent time with me to make sure I thought they fit well and that I could see well, and then I was on my way. I can now see much better when I am reading and driving at night (Phoenix drivers, you can feel much safer now, hahaha). From what I hear, you cannot beat this price, and I have four different prescriptions, essentially, and pretty cool looking glasses - if you ask me. :) Oh, and two weeks later, I received a call from them making sure that everything was working out to my satisfaction.