I have to say I was impressed with both the production value and the dedication of the cast paid to make you crap your pants.
Its hard to write a review without spoiling the secrets so I won't give specifics on the rooms but trust me Ive been to a lot of these haunts and this one is done right. The best thing I could say about it is it even made me jump once.
My GF wouldnt go through with me so I took her 15yr old daughter who grabbed the back of my shirt and screamed till her voice went out. My friend works there and said it might take a half hour to get through all the rooms but it all depends on how fast you walk. I was being pushed by her and we made it through in under 20 mins.
Cost is a little high for some people but trust me it is worth every penny.
Oh it doesnt open till 7pm but the gift shop is always open its free of charge and has alot of cool props in it. Make sure to get a photo in the electric chair...its truely shocking!