| - I tried to buy 4 original Xbox games from here. The games were shrink-wrapped so I couldn't check the discs. And then when I tried to play the games, 3 of them didn't work at all (the 4th did, miraculously).
I went to return the games, and they refused to refund them. The manager tried to downplay it saying they shouldn't have been accepted and that she wouldn't have accepted them in the condition they were in and that they can check the discs if you ask (like it matters now), etc. Basically, every excuse she could come up with to keep my money. She refused to give an actual reason why they couldn't refund me, and gave nothing resembling an apology for selling me non-functioning games. She made it very clear that they care more about any small amount of money than actually keeping loyal customers happy.
Of course, they wouldn't give me anything other than a gift card (so i can get more defective games, naturally). And just to add insult to injury, they wouldn't even put the tax on the gift card, because I guess they hadn't ripped me off quite enough yet.
So in conclusion, they sold me 3 defective Xbox games that they did not check, got to keep the money, got to keep the games (they might even just sell them again) and wouldn't even give me the full amount on a gift card. And on top of that, they also tried to charge me an extra $5 for an "accessory" that I didn't buy (but I got that refunded before I left the first time). Why would you ever want to buy anything from a store that behaves this way? I really hope that $30 they got to keep was worth it, because I'm never buying anything from there again after this. No one else should, either.
I just wanted to play my video games.