Factoid #1: I love bookstores
Factoid #2: I love bookstores where you can sit and read without feeling bad I'm not purchasing it.
Factoid #3: I love bookstores with no-fuss return policies.
Print is dying. It saddens me. I love going into a bookstore and browsing, touching and reading the books. But at the same time, I'm only willing to purchase a book if it's a classic or somethin that I will want to read over and over again through the duration of my ownership.
Therefore I love this chapters location because it is in a great location and has an excellent setup to read for hours on end a huge selection of books, and if I'm REALLY into the book I can buy it. And If I change my mind I can return it!
This massive Chapters is a regular visit for me and right in the middle of the entertainment district so you can waste a little time before or after a date with your friends.
Also a big fan of the Starbucks on the mid-level- much better than ones on the base level. It's good to hang here and be on nerd watch.
I heart nerds = )