| - There are lots of negative comments about Plato's Closet, I have been selling my clothes to them for at least 15 years I'd say. I used to drive to the Bethel Park one when it was the only one around back then. I still take items to Plato's but now I go to the much closer Bridgeville location. Yes, they are picky. I have a good sense of what they will take when I take items to sell. I pretty much have a feel for what they are looking for though. They do like new items for certain brands. They particularly love taking Victoria's Secret Pink items, so I usually can take any VS PINK items and they take regardless of age as long as it is in good, clean condition. Some brands, such as Aeropostale and AE has to be fairly new. Yes, sometimes I see old looking clothes on the racks that look over washed and faded which is often frustrating when my items are in better condition and they don't accept. But, in my opinion, letting Plato's Closet check out your items and pay you immediately, is much easier than dealing with the constant back and forth of Craiglist and Facebook Online Yard Sales. I have never purchased anything as I do not buy used clothing, it skeeves me out, but the prices are great for teens and school shopping!