| - This bank- now, I've cashed checks at BofA at other locations before- and from the same account holder: I walk in, show my ID & cash a check- in and out in less than 3 minutes - I visit BofA twice per year: birthday and Christmas season to cash family gift checks. In 20 years, I have never- ever, had any problem cashing a check. THIS branch did. They assumed I was attempting to cash a fraudulent check. You may think, and I would under some circumstances that this is par for the course and they must ensure safety of their branch- but they went far and beyond suspicion- they insulted me, my brother (who the check was issued from) and gave personal information concerning his account to me, someone they assumed was attempting a fraud. If they didn't think so, they treated me as such. The bank staff gawked at my family's bank balance in an obvious and overt manner, which is sickening to me, this is my family who's account you're slobbering over, They kept me in the branch for 30 minutes(!!) to cash a few hundred dollar amount check, and if I were to scam from that account, I would in the hundreds of thousands, not a few hundred dollars. I left this branch angry, and the account holder was also angry- at this bank. He said they were "lame" and I am urging him to make a formal complaint. BofA does NOT want a complaint coming from that account. The branch is receiving a complaint from me personally, and I am telling the account holder to also file a complaint. Ugh what an untrained, ungracious personnel they hire at this branch. I guess they're so used to cashing housekeeper's and landscapers checks they get suspicious when anything else comes in. What a shame. Avoid this branch, you will spend valuable time of your own and get treated as if you are a potential criminal- AND I got no apology from them. Their pride kept them from being polite, instead they tried to slough off the whole BS with "well, it's for security, you know" No, I DON'T know, because this has never happened before, and there was no reason for it.