I love Filibertos. But the quality of the food depends on its location. While the one at Guadalupe and Mcclintock remains my favorite place to go to, this one is my LEAST favorite mostly because of the location its in. It's drive through only, so unless you want to eat with the angry mob of religious folk protesting planned parenthood next to you with images of dead fetuses, I suggest you just take your food and get out of there.
Every time I go there I also get harassed by homeless people who hang around Food City and Filibs who ask for "just some change" so they can get something to eat, and when you do give them exactly "some change" (25 cents or so) they give you this incredulous ungrateful look that a beggar should not have.
There are also handful of loud, obnoxious college kids who get drunk at mill who stumble toward Filibertos after getting off on the light rail.
And a couple of seedy, dirty half-homeless looking people who always are always trying to sell you something.
Food wise though, the heftiness of the burrito is actually dependent on who makes it. The younger, smaller male makes my burrito half the size of what I normally get, and the Carne Asada Fries either have too little guac or too little sour cream.
It's still good if you are incredibly desperate (my fat ass has a loyalty card there), but it's not like it's a fine dining experience.