Trying to get your assigned patient coordinator on the phone is impossible. Your lucky if they call you back in a few days. Whatever idea you have about when you will have your surgery-your idea is wrong. My surgery could have been done months ago but I'm still waiting. If this surgery center is so busy, then they should be adding staff so as to not piss off people who go through "the process" and can't get people to answer questions & schedule in a timely manner. They hold your whole life hostage when you are at the point in the process where you should be meeting with your surgeon and can't even be given an appointment and or given any information about a rough idea as to when you will be scheduled. You only meet with the surgeon at the end of the process right before your surgery. Having surgery requires planning-taking time off from work and rescheduling other things in your life around the surgery. I can't do any of this planning because I can't get answers.