Such a lush oasis on college st. Very cool plants and helpful advice. I have never been able to have plants because the godamn cat is always munching on them, but now that Mir and I have a store we have a safe space for some flora. Since getting the plants I have become rather obsessed and sometimes call in for counsel, which is always given readily. I have a moss ball I brought from them which is a contender for my new best friend, even though she is a little needy. The succulents are climbing out of their terrarium and the upside down plant is just hanging, searching for those rays of sun. Soon the winter snows will come and the plants will lie dormant, but such is life. The ephemeral summer will give way to the everlasting winter and the plants will wisely sleep through it until the sunny days, and our happiness, return.
Anyways, Stamen and Pistil botanicals is a wonderful place to buy plants and plant-related things.