I love this place and it's changing my life! Where do I start? I'm not the kind of girl that likes to work out and pushing myself in an athletic way hasn't been something I've done regularly... Maybe ever. I'm in my mid-thirties now and shit is getting real. I sit at a desk all day and feel pretty shitty physically most of the time, I have chronic pain issues and autoimmune stuff that leaves me feeling exhausted and like I should just crawl into bed and never leave, but this is finally something that works for me and things are really turning around! I feel amazing when I finish a workout there. If I could go everyday I honestly would.
I love Kellian's classes because she is super motivating and pushes me harder than I ever thought I could go and I still want to come back. Also you work super hard and it's over in 50 minutes and you feel amazing when you're done. The workouts are always changing so you're always challenged. I'm working muscles I never knew I had and I'm seeing results so quickly it's kind of blowing my mind. I'm into it like I've never been before and I'm going to keep showing up and being proud of how much I can do. So happy I found this place!