| - my honey will probably kill me for posting this review, as out favorite spot could become compromised in some way by perhaps an influx of business preventing us from getting our favorite booth right away....BUT, as a business owner, i understand the importance of good word of mouth and i LOVE this place. I am no foodie, in fact, if my parents or close friends even caught wind of the fact that I, Danielle DeBoe, am writing restaurant reviews, they probably would just not believe it and maybe even fear for the business, but that is a mexican restaurant, family owned and operated and while i cannot speak to whether or not its the most authentic or more innovative or more anything than any other mexican restaurant, i can say with the increasing number of mexican restaurants popping up around town, we still come here once a week...(this or Luchitas's which is also a favorite). Their margaritas may be glow in the dark green but they sure are tasty and the chicken fajitas or enchiladas ( the only things i ever order) are delicious. if it is quiet enough you may even get special commentary by the staff on the spanish version dancing with the stars, which is sure to be on during a visit.