So today's decided to go to Metro Pizza for so quality pizza for once. I normally go here when I'm craving quality pizza. So being the good helper that I am I checked in as soon as I got there and I was awarded with free drink with the regular price of any food.
It's hot in Vegas so I was licking my chops at this coupon. So I go to pick up my pizza and so the cashier (her name was Susan) my coupon for 1st time check in. It seems like she took pleasure out of denying me a free soda with the purchase of a $30.00 pizza. She stated that its only with a dine in meal. I then showed her the coupon and it stated nothing about only dine in and her response was "we'll that's what it's meant for".
I could've pushed the issue but I decided I'll just write about experience and let people know about Susan at this location. One thing I forgot to mention when I initially walked up to wait in line a customer was there talking with Susan that had already paid and they spent the next 5 minutes talking about meals on wheels and delivery issues. I decided to sit down and wait since she was obviously not in a rush to help me out.
Overall the pizza was good though. The service to get the pizza was horrible.
Good luck helpers