In the heart of student-geared Tempe, lies Otto's Pizza & Pastry. A family operated and owned pizzeria since 1992. The french owner from Paris serves up New York style pizza with any toppings you can dream of. In between my favorite places, HTC Piercing and Cartel Coffee Lab. Tiny, intimate shop that has some of the most thinnest and crispiest pizza I have had in this city outside of Tucson.
My previous fav's have been Tessio's and Jaime's here in Tempe. Otto is now my new favorite. The counter girls are super cute and you can see Otto slaving away in the kitchen.
If you want something different than pizza, try the calzones, pastas, french sandwiches (Monte Cristo!), Italian sandwiches, or pizza rolls. The only qualm I have is that they are not open very late at all and they are closed on Sundays.