Wanting a change from the Half Moon for some Sunday Night Football, i sought out another sports bar in the 85016... Teakwoods was the answer. Lots of TVs. Average service. Extensive Menu. Good drink specials.
The Good: For bar food, nice menu... the Jess Jess wings were pretty good.
The Bad: The beer list is dreadful.
The Ugly: God only knows whose nasty fingers have been in those buckets of peanuts.
The crowd was the best part of this place... it was absolutely eclectic.
5 drunken frat boys
4 suburban gangsta's
3 hipsters with the raybans
2 goth chicks on a date
1 TwentySomething daughter arguing with her cougar mom about how many martini's she'd had ("mom, i swear thats your 4th one, why would i lie, i drove separate?!")
...And a partridge in a pear tree... Teakwoods has it all!
Beer: D-
Food: B
Sports Watching: B+
People Watching: A+