When you respond to me and I've been to you multiple times and you can't remember me, there's an issue.
This review DOES reflect your business as I am a customer who had an experience. Do not invalidate my experience because you are ignorant & oblivious of your effects on your patients you deny services to.
Do not even pretend for a second you are not a business. Because you are. And you did not serve me in any shape or form but business cards. People do not pay for care and receive paper in return. Paper doesn't help my anxiety. Doesn't take away the time I wasted trying to see you. Paper doesn't take away my panic attacks that go into seizures now because my Complex PTSD is more than I can handle without Xanax, THAT YOU DENIED ME after giving me. Paper doesn't take away my broken toe pain. Paper doesn't give me thyroid medication. Paper doesn't give me referrals.
Don't waste your time with this office.