I was butchered here! Butchered. Worst haircut ever. Hands downs. A acquaintance of mine worked here and he asked me to come in to be a hair model. I thought, sure, free hair cut. Why not? I had very long hair so the style options were endless. Along with the Owner, Kendall, we thought a bob with side swept bang would be perfect. Two hours later, under the direct supervision of the so called hair master/owner my hair was fucked. It looked like a cheap, crooked Halloween wig. To top it all off the fake "you look wonderful" compliments from the receptionists and stylists were enough send me to the car crying. Oh and I never heard from this acquaintance again after that, probably because he knew he'd fucked up my hair. It took me a week to brave the outside world and go to another salon to repair the damage these hair butchers did. I wouldn't recommend this place to a poodle, much less another human being.