I came here a while ago and I was browsing for places on yelp for my next Vegas trip so I thought I'd write a review about my experience while I was looking.
First off, I got sick eating here. That should be a red flag to people considering the place, but it honestly could have what I ordered. Wanting to be cheap I got the roast beef sandwich. The sandwich was served cold which was fine with me. But it tasted very strongly of horseradish to the point where the store bought roast beef and veggies were sort of overpowered. That was also fine. I thought it'd at least make the sandwich taste like SOMETHING, but not to long into my meal and I felt a strange gagging reflex and a rumbling in my tummy. The meat seemed to have gone bad and it was very well masked by the aforementioned horseradish. I spent the night with an upset stomach and a bit of heaving.
Just do yourself a favor when you're in Vegas and choose your dining establishment with at least as much care as you would place on a table game.