I can't believe I keep going back to this place time and again. Why? The food is just OK. The service is horrible, even though they beg to differ by adding an 18% gratuity to even a party of two. Service must be good for them to add the gratuity automatically for any number in the party. I hope I didn't forget to mention the 4 small little banchan items they give to snack on and their astronomical prices compared to other Korean restaurants. I must like this place. Because...why else...why else would I keep coming back? I must be an "M" or just a plain lazy ass when I'm staying at Harrah's and don't want to go far to eat good Korean grub (e.g. Spring Mountain Road), so I walk to the IP and disappoint myself yet again at Ginseng 3. It's OK, I like beating myself up losing a few bills at the IP and my sanity at Ginseng 3.