| - I would probably give this show a 2.5 actually. It was the third show that I saw in Vegas during my trip and was also the least expensive. For the price, the show wasn't bad, but I think you have to go into it having realistic expectations.
I was looking for a showgirl show and this to me felt more like a series of strip teases. The girls were pretty and I felt like you got a good deal of nudity. I just felt like there were a lot of ways that the show could have been more entertaining. Many of the numbers they performed were to songs I had never heard of and the lip-syncing and some of the dancing was pretty cheesy. I would have liked more up-beat numbers and a little more dancing, rather than all of the grinding and dry humping. The penis thing was a little weird too.
The other negative for me was the comedian in between numbers. He was beyond cheesy and I found him not to be entertaining or funny at all. I think it's great that he engaged the audience, but I think that anything would have been better than his act. It was one of those things that is so bad it's funny, except...not really.
They also have beverage service - no alcohol, but soda, water, juice, etc. They have one waitress bringing these items to people during the show with a flashlight which was kind of distracting in such a small space.
Overall, an okay show - but this is far from the best show to be seen in Vegas, and if you go there with that expectation you won't be disappointed.