It has been exactly 40 weeks since I had the Miyagi-San burger with oxtail chili cheese fries (my instagram told me so) and I have probably consumed 60 burgers since then and 6000 burgers prior to that and let me just say this... NOT ONE of those burgers can even be considered in the same class as Bachi Burger.... I was in Vegas on a business trip and one of my coworkers was ranting and raving about the good things he heard about this place so we decided to go. When we first pulled up we were all busting his balls because it's behind a subway and doesn't look like anything special. Boy was I wrong.... I wish I was kidding when I say that the Bachi burger comes up EVERY TIME we talk! This is hands down the best burger I have ever had in my entire life, no questions asked. I would have walked there from my hotel backwards and barefoot just to eat Bachi Burger again, it's that good...!
6 stars, 3 thumbs standing ovation for this place, seriously!!! Bring one of these to Pittsburgh and I will manage it, you can pay me in Miyagi-Sans!